Physically Distant, Socially Connected – Supporting our Ambassadors through COVID-19
IAWA is honored to welcome Jeanette Mahave to our team at this critical time. Jeanette is a teacher at Charora High School, where many of our Ambassadors are finishing their last year of high school.
Before South Africa entered lock-down to halt the spread of COVID-19, we are grateful that Jeanette went out of her way to make sure the Ambassadors had the materials and support they need to stay on track.
Distance learning is especially challenging for our Ambassadors, so Jeanette has been coordinating services to help them remain mentally and emotionally strong and continue with their studies. She is making regular phone calls, and IAWA is providing data so the Ambassadors can access what they need online to continue their studies and connect with each other.
For example, Jeanette is sharing teacher study programs and materials to help the Ambassadors prepare for their final exams. She is providing special IAWA programming to help lift their spirits and remain focused. And she is checking in with the Ambassadors to help them stay on track with the goals they have set for themselves.
Jeannette and IAWA are looking forward to a period when the lockdown is over, South Africans can be together physically, and the Ambassadors can start preparing their University applications. Their hard work and work ethic are remarkable – Jeanette and IAWA are excited to see them move on to achieve great things!